G - Gl


A-Ad | Ae-Aj | Ak-Al | Am-An | Ao-Ar | As | At-Az | B-Bh | Bi-Bq | Br-Bt | Bu-Bz | C-Cg | Ch-Chi | Chj-Chz | Ci-Co | Cp-Cz | D-Dd | De-Dg | Dh-Dm | Dn-Dz | E-El | Em-Ez | F | G-Gl | Gm-Gz | H-Hh | Hi-Hl | Hm-Hz | I-Im | In-Iz | J | K-Kaq | Kar-Kq | Kr-Kz | L-Ln | Lo-Lz | M-Mah | Mai-Man | Mao-Md | Me-Mn | Mo-Mz | N-Nh | Ni-Nz | O-Ol | Om-Oz | P-Paq | Par-Pd | Pe-Pi | Pj-Pq | Pr | Ps-Pz | Q | R-Rh | Ri-Rz | S-Sam | San-Sb | Sc-Sep | Ser-Sj | Sk-So | Sp-St | Su-Sz | T-Td | Te-Th | Ti-Tq | Tr-Tz | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V-Vd | Ve-Vz | W | X | Y-Yl | Ym-Yz | Z | Homepage

List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

TG G. -- The seventh letter in the English alphabet. "In Greek, Chaldean, Syriac, Hebrew, Assyrian, Samaritan, Etrurian, Coptic, in the modern Romaic and Gothic, it occupies the third place in the alphabet, while in Cyrillic, Glagolitic, Croat, Russian, Servian and Wallachian, it stands fourth." As the name of "god" begins with this letter (in Syriac, gad; Swedish, gud; German, gott; English, god; Persian, gada, etc., etc.), there is an occult reason for this which only the students of esoteric philosophy and of the Secret Doctrine, explained esoterically, will understand thoroughly; it refers to the three logoi -- the last, the Elohim, and the emanation of the latter, the androgynous Adam Kadmon. All these peoples have derived the name of "god" from their respective traditions, the more or less clear echoes of the esoteric tradition. Spoken and "Silent Speech" (writing) are a "gift of the gods", say all the national traditions, from the old Aryan Sanskrit-speaking people who claim that their alphabet, the Devanagari (lit., the language of the devas or gods) was given to them from heaven, down to the Jews, who speak of an alphabet, the parent of the one which has survived, as having been a celestial and mystical symbolism given by the angels to the patriarchs. Hence, every letter had its manifold meaning. A symbol itself of a celestial being and objects, it was in its turn represented on earth by like corresponding objects whose form symbolised the shape of the letter. The present letter, called in Hebrew gimel and symbolised by a long camel's neck, or rather a serpent erect, is associated with the third sacred divine name, Ghadol or Magnus (great). Its numeral is four, the Tetragrammaton and the sacred Tetraktys; hence its sacredness. With other people it stood for 400 and with a dash over it, for 400,000.

SD INDEX Gabiri [Gabri] (Pers), Kabiri became II 363n

SD INDEX Gabirol. See Ibn Gebirol

TG Gabriel. According to the Gnostics, the "Spirit" or Christos, the "messenger of life", and Gabriel are one. The former "is called sometimes the Angel Gabriel -- in Hebrew 'the mighty one of God', "and took with the Gnostics the place of the Logos, while the Holy Spirit was considered one with the Aeon Life (see Irenaeus I., xii.). Therefore we find Theodoret saying (in Haeret. Fab., II., vii.): "The heretics agree with us (Christians) respecting the beginning of all things. . . . but they say there is not one Christ (God), but one above and the other below. And this last formerly dwelt in many; but the Jesus, they at one time say is from God, at another they call him a Spirit." The key to this is given in the esoteric philosophy. The "spirit" with the Gnostics was a female potency esoterically, it was the ray proceeding front the Higher Manas, the Ego, and that which the Esotericists refer to as the Kama-Manas or the lower personal Ego, which is radiated in every human entity by the Higher Ego or Christos, the god within us. Therefore, they were right in saying: "there is but one Christ, but one above and the other below". Every student of Occultism will understand this, and also that Gabriel -- or "the mighty one of God" -- is one with the Higher Ego (See Isis Unveiled.)

SD INDEX Gabriel, St (archangel) II 248. See also Angel, Elohim

denounced fallen angels II 382n
dhyani-chohan or I 42
divine rebel II 246
eagle (Ophite) is I 127n; II 115n
lilies of, & lotus I 379n; II 472
Lord of Iran I 576; II 538

SD INDEX Gades, Wilford mistakes, as Atlantis II 406n

SD INDEX Gadir, Sacred Columns of, mysterious characters on II 345n

SD INDEX Gadolinium, a compound I 625

TG Gaea (Gr.). Primordial Matter in the Cosmogony of Hesiod; Earth, as some think; the wife of Ouranos, the sky or heavens. The female personage of the primeval Trinity, composed of Ouranos, Gaea and Eros.

SD INDEX Gaea, Gaia (Gk) Earth

Aditi-, primordial matter II 65
children by Uranos II 269 &n
Earth & digit three II 583
gamma symbol of II 590-1
great cosmic deep II 269
Holy Ghost or I 109
sons of, or initiates II 591 &n
Tethys or II 65

TG Gaffarillus. An Alchemist and philosopher who lived in the middle of the seventeenth century. He is the first philosopher known to maintain that every natural object (e.g., plants, living creatures, etc.), when burned, retained its form in its ashes and that it could be raised again from them. This claim was justified by the eminent chemist Du Chesne, and after him Kircher, Digby and Vallemont have assured themselves of the fact, by demonstrating that the astral forms of burned plants could be raised from their ashes. A receipt for raising such astral phantoms of flowers is given in a work of Oetinger, Thoughts on the Birth and Generation of Things.

TG Gaganeswara (Sk.). "Lord of the Sky", a name of Garuda.

SD INDEX Gaganesvara (Skt), name for Garuda II 565

MO Gagnrad [[Norse]] (gang-n-rawd) [gagn gainful + rad counsel] Odin in Vaftrudnismal

SD INDEX Gaieios (Gk) Tau or initiate II 591n

TG Gai-hinnom (Heb.). The name of Hell in the Talmud.

SD INDEX Gaina [Ganadevas in Vishnu Purana], seven classes of, in orb of Sun I 290

MO Galder [[Norse]] (gahl-der) Incantation

SD INDEX Galen II 132

SD INDEX Galilean Adept (Jesus) II 231

SD INDEX Galilee, stone circles in II 755

SD INDEX Galileo II 534

animated atoms of I 568-9
retaught elemental vortices I 117, 623

SD INDEX Gall, Reverend James

----- Primeval Man . . .
Satan & pre-Adamic races I 324-5
science & the Bible I 323n

SD INDEX Gallery of Argeak. See Argeak

SD INDEX Galli, Kadeshim or II 460

SD INDEX Gallu, Chaldean spirits II 248n

SD INDEX Galukpas. See Gelukpas

SD INDEX Galvanism, aspect of Archaeus I 338n

TG Gambatrin (Scand.). The name of Hermodur's "magic staff" in the Edda.

SD INDEX Gamma (third Greek letter), symbol of Earth, Gaia II 583, 590-1

SD INDEX Gamut (scale), Hindu I 534

TG Ganadevas (Sk.). A certain class of celestial Beings who are said to inhabit Maharloka. They are the rulers of our Kalpa (Cycle) and therefore termed Kalpadhikarins, or Lord of the Kalpas. They last only "One Day" of Brahma.

TG Gandapada (Sk.). A celebrated Brahman teacher, the author of the Commentaries on the Sankhya Karika, Mandukya Upanishad, and other works.

WG Gandha, odor, smell; fragrant substance; fragrance; perfume.


TG Gandhara (Sk.). A musical note of great occult power in the Hindu gamut -- the third of the diatonic scale.

SD INDEX Gandhara (Skt), quality of sound I 534

TG Gandharva (Sk.). The celestial choristers and musicians of India. In the Vedas these deities reveal the secrets of heaven and earth and esoteric science to mortals. They had charge of the sacred Soma plant and its juice, the ambrosia drunk in the temple which gives "omniscience".

WG Gandharvas, heavenly singers belonging to Indra's court, a class of elemental spirits.

GH Gandharvas The musicians and singers of the gods, represented as dwelling in the sky and preparing the heavenly soma-juice for the gods, as they are especially skilled in medicine. In the Vedas they are described as revealing the secrets of heaven and divine truths to men. The Atharva-Veda mentions that there are 6,333 Gandharvas. "Cosmically -- the Gandharvas are the aggregate powers of the solar-fire, and constitute its Forces; psychically -- the intelligence residing in the Sushumna, Solar ray, the highest of the seven rays; mystically -- the occult force in the Soma (the moon, or lunar plant) and the drink made of it; physically -- the phenomenal, and spiritually -- the noumenal causes of Sound and the 'Voice of Nature.' Hence, they are called the 6,333 'heavenly Singers' and musicians of Indra's loka who personify (even in number) the various and manifold sounds in Nature, both above and below." (Secret Doctrine, I, p. 523) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 74)

SD INDEX Gandharvas (Skt) I 571

both psychic & physical II 585
four Maharajas I 126
gods & men II 211
highest dhyani-chohans II 585
inhabit astral plane II 90
instructors of men II 584
seven sons of Fohat are I 523-4
6,333 of I 523n
spirits of heaven (Puranas) II 369n
Vach becomes Viraj to punish II 143
various synonyms of I 92

WG Gandiva, the bow of Arjuna, which was made from the plant gandi. It was presented by Soma to Varuna, by him to Agni, and by Agni to Arjuna.

GH Gandiva (or Gandiva) A remarkable bow which Arjuna received from the fire-god Agni in order that he might assist the deity in a battle with the god of the sky, Indra. At this time Arjuna also assisted Agni in the burning of the Khandava forest-an episode in the Mahabharata. The bow was originally given by Soma to the god Varuna, who in turn passed it on to Agni. It is likewise said to have belonged to Prajapati Brahma, and Siva. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 6)

SD INDEX Gandunia(s). See Gan-Eden

TG Gan-Eden (Heb.). Also Ganduniyas. (See "Eden".)

SD INDEX Gan-Eden, Gan-Aeden, Gandunia(s) [Gan`eden] (Heb).See also Garden of Eden

Babylonia & Mesopotamia II 42n, 202

TG Ganesa (Sk.). The elephant-headed God of Wisdom, the son of Siva. He is the same as the Egyptian Thoth-Hermes. and Anubis or Hermanubis (q.v.). The legend shows him as having lost his human head, which was replaced by that of an elephant.

WG Ganesa, the god of wisdom, who is said to cause obstacles and remove them. He is the son of Siva and Parvati, and is represented as a short fat man with an elephant's head, having but one tusk; usually he is riding a rat, or is attended by one. He is said to have written down the Mahabharata, as dictated by Vyasa. He is the allegorical representation of magical learning. (gana, body of attendants, Siva's troop; isa, commander: leader of the attendants of Siva.)

TG Ganga (Sk.). The Ganges, the principal sacred river in India. There are two versions of its myth: one relates that Ganga (the goddess) having transformed herself into a river, Rolls from the big toe of Vishnu: the other, that the Ganga drops from the ear of Siva into the Anavatapta lake, thence passes out, through the mouth of the silver cow (gomukhi), crosses all Eastern India and falls into the Southern Ocean. "An heretical superstition", remarks Mr. Eitel in his Sanskrit, Chinese Dictionary "ascribes to the waters of the Ganges "sin-cleansing power". No more a "superstition" one would say, than the belief that the·waters of Baptism and the Jordan have "sin-cleansing power".

GH Ganges (Ganga) The sacred river of India, represented in the Puranas as taking its rise in the heavens from the toe of Vishnu, and brought down to earth through the prayers of the sage Bhagiratha, in order to purify the ashes of the sixty thousand sons of king Sagara. (These sons had been destroyed by the angry glance of the sage Kapila.) Ganga intended to flood the earth (because of being obliged to descend from her heavenly abode), but the force of the fall was intercepted by the god Siva, who caught the river in his matted locks, and allowed it to descend from his brow in seven gentle streams upon the earth. Ganga is personified as a goddess, the daughter of Mena and Himavat (the personification of the Himalaya mountains). The goddess became the wife of king Santanu and gave birth to Bhishma. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 75)

SD INDEX Ganga (Skt) Ganges River

emerges thru Kapila's Pass II 571
Mandakin or I 385

TG Gangadwara (Sk.). "The gate or door of the Ganges", literally; the name of a town now called Hardwar, at the foot of the Himalayas.

SD INDEX Gangadvara, door, gate (pass) of Ganges River II 571

SD INDEX Ganga-putra, Karttikeya called II 550

SD INDEX Ganges River II 130. See also Ganga

Agni, Karttikeya & II 550
flows fr Lake of Dragons II 204
sources of II 571

TG Gangi (Sk.). A renowned Sorcerer in the time of Kasyapa Buddha (a predecessor of Gautama). Gangi was regarded as an incarnation of Apalala, the Naga (Serpent), the guardian Spirit of the Sources of Suhhavastu, a river in Udyana. Apalala is said to have been converted by Gautama Buddha, to the good Law, and become an Arhat. The allegory of the name is comprehensible: all the Adepts and initiates were called nagas, "Serpents of Wisdom".

MO Ganglare [[Norse]] (gong-lay-re) [gang wandering + lare learner] King Gylfe seeking wisdom

TG Ganinnanse. A Singhalese priest who has not yet been ordained -- from gana, an assemblage or brotherhood. The higher ordained priests "are called terunnanse from the Pali thero, an elder". (Hardy)

WG Garima, a siddhi, or power in magic, giving control over gravitation, so that one can become light or heavy at will.

TG Garm (Scand.). The Cerberus of the Edda. This monstrous dog lived in the Gnypa cavern in front of the dwelling of Hel, the goddess of the nether-world.

MO Garm [[Norse]] The hound that guards the gate of Hel, queen of death

SD INDEX Ganoids, & primary oceans II 160

SD INDEX Ganot, Adolphe, Elements de Physique, defines matter I 670

SD INDEX Ganymede, cycles & Aquarius II 785-6

SD INDEX Gaokerena [Gaekarena] (Pahlavi), white Haoma II 517

SD INDEX Garden of Eden. See also Curse, Eden, Gan-Eden

Adam garment of light in II 112
Adam of, forefather of our race II 503
Adi-Varsha was, of first races II 201
belongs to fifth race II 203
cherub at gate of I 127
Christian vs occult meanings of II 202
on Euphrates River II 203
of initiates no myth II 494
kabbalistic, & nirvana comp II 204
locality of, now submerged II 494
never property of Jews II 203
primitive man w elohim in II 349
Protestant, discussed I 612
serpent of I 406-7, 414, 422
[Skinner on] II 543
temptation of, invented I 383
tree in I 114, 247; II 30-1, 97, 494
true meaning of, (IU) II 496

SD INDEX Garden of Hesperides, Atlantis & II 791

SD INDEX Gardner, J. Starkie, "Subsidence & Elevation . . .," land connections II 782-3


Narada surpasses II 49
oldest Indian astronomer II 49n

TG Garuda (Sk.). A gigantic bird in the Ramayana, the steed of Vishnu. Esoterically -- the symbol of the great Cycle.

WG Garuda, a mythical bird pictured as attendant upon Vishnu, as the eagle is the bird of Jove. It is a symbol of the great cycle of cosmic activity.

GH Garuda The bearer of Vishnu (hence often called Vishnu-ratha): represented as having the body and limbs of a man but the head, wings, talons, and beak of an eagle; the face being white, the wings red, and the body golden. Garuda is regarded as the king of the birds and the great enemy of serpents: his parents were the Vedic sage Kasyapa and Vinata -- one of the daughters of Daksha (one of the Prajapatis). The myths also relate that Garuda once took the Amrita (q.v.) from the gods in order to purchase the freedom of his mother from Kadru. Indra pursued Garuda and recovered the Amrita -- although the god of the sky was worsted in the battle for it. Garuda is "the symbol esoterically of the great cycle," (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 323), while his son, Jatayu "is, of course, the cycle of 60,000 years within the great cycle of GARUDA; hence he is represented as his son, or nephew," (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 570). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 75)

SD INDEX Garuda (Skt)

coeternal w Vishnu I 366
descends fr reptiles II 253-4
Indian phoenix story of II 564-5
Kasyapa father of II 253-4
king of feathered tribe II 181
manvantaric cycle or I 421
offspring of Vinata I 366
Samba uses, to invite Magas II 323
son & nephews of II 570
stands for maha-kalpa I 366; II 565, 570
vehicle of Krishna, Vishnu I 366; II 323, 564
Vishnu rides on I 421

SD INDEX Garuda Purana, Wilson on II 565n

SD INDEX Gas(es)

atoms of, elastic spheres I 513
effect of occult, on matter I 82
solids, liquids & I 526; II 136-7n

SD INDEX Gassendi, Pierre

material atoms of I 629
truths of, alloyed I 622

SD INDEX Gastropoda Shells, in Sahara II 8-9n

TG Gatha (Sk.). Metrical chants or hymns, consisting of moral aphorisms. A gatha of thirty-two words is called Aryagiti.

WG Gatha, a sacred verse, to be chanted or sung; a religious verse, but not belonging to the Vedas.

SD INDEX Gatha(s) [Avestan hymns] II 409-10, 517

TG Gati (Sk.). The six (esoterically seven) conditions of sentient existence. These are divided into two groups: the three higher and the three lower paths. To the former belong the devas, the asuras and (immortal) men; to the latter (in esoteric teachings) creatures in hell, pretas or hungry demons, and animals. Explained esoterically, however, the last three are the personalities in Kamaloka, elementals and animals. The seventh mode of existence is that of the Nirmanakaya (q.v.).

TG Gatra (Sk.). Lit., the limbs (of Brahma) from which the "mind-born" sons, the seven Kumaras, were born.

SD INDEX Gatra (Skt) [limbs], Vedhas produced fr Brahma's II 78, 176n

FY Gaudapada, a celebrated Brahmanical teacher, the author of commentaries on the Sankhya Karika, Mundukya Upanishad, &c.

SD INDEX Gaudapadacharya, commentary on Sankhya Karika I 457n

SD INDEX Gaudry, Jean Albert II 646, 676

----- Les Enchainements du monde . . .
man dates fr Miocene II 714n
man not crown of ape-stock II 678
monkey carved Thenay flints II 748
no Miocene mammals like today's II 749
our European forefathers II 739

SD INDEX Gaul(s)

Bel Sun-god of II 540
isthmus once joined, & England II 750 &n

SD INDEX Gaur [Cawr] (Welsh) giant II 342

SD INDEX Gauramukha (Skt), a family priest II 323

SD INDEX Gauri (Skt) or Sri, bride of Siva II 76n

TG Gautama (Sk.). The Prince of Kapilavastu, son of Sudhodana, the Sakya king of a small realm on the borders of Nepaul, born in the seventh century B.C., now called the "Saviour of the World". Gautama or Gotama was the sacerdotal name of the Sakya family, and Sidhartha was Buddha's name before he became a Buddha. Sakyamuni, means the Saint of the Sakya family, born a simple mortal he rose to Buddhaship through his own personal and unaided merit. A man -- verily greater than any god!

KT Gautama (Sans.) A name in India. It is that of the Prince of Kapilavastu, son of Sudhodana, the Sakhya King of a small territory on the borders of Nepaul, born in the seventh century B.C., now called the "Saviour of the world." Gautama or Gotama was the sacerdotal name of the Sakya family. Born a simple mortal, he rose to Buddha-ship through his own personal and unaided merit; a man -- verily greater than any God!

SP Gautama -- the family name of Sakyamuni Buddha, Pali Gotama.

SD INDEX Gautama Sakyamuni. See Buddha, Gautama

SD INDEX Gautier, Armand, on venoms, alkaloids I 262n

TG Gayat (Sk.). Ancient city of Magadha, a little north-west of the modern Gayah. It is at the former that Sakyamuni reached his Buddhaship, under the famous Bodhi-tree, Bodhidruma.


As rendered by G. de Purucker:

Oh thou golden sun of most excellent splendor,
illumine our hearts and fill our minds, so that we,
recognizing our oneness with the Divinity which is the heart of the universe,
may see the pathway before our feet,
and tread it to those distant goals of perfection,
stimulated by thine own radiant light.

TG Gayatri (Sk.). also Savriti. A most sacred verse, addressed to the Sun, in the Rig-Veda, which the Brahmans have to repeat mentally every morn and eve during their devotions.

FY Gayatri, the holiest verse of the Vedas.

OG Gayatri or Savitri -- (Sanskrit) A verse of the Rig-Veda (iii.62.10) which from immemorial time in India has been surrounded with the attributes of quasi-divinity. The Sanskrit words of this verse are: Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. Every orthodox Brahmana is supposed to repeat this archaic hymn, at least mentally, at both his morning and evening religious exercises or devotions. A translation in explanatory paraphrase, giving the essential esoteric meaning of the Gayatri or Savitri, is the following: "Oh thou golden sun of most excellent splendor, illumine our hearts and fill our minds, so that we, recognizing our oneness with the Divinity which is the heart of the universe, may see the pathway before our feet, and tread it to those distant goals of perfection, stimulated by thine own radiant light."

GH Gayatri An ancient meter of 24 syllables (variously arranged, but generally as a triplet of 8 syllables each). The word is also applied specifically to a verse in the Rig-Veda, iii, p. 62, 10:

tat savitur varen am bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

Literal translation: "Let us meditate on that excellent splendor of the divine Sun; may it illumine our hearts (minds)." (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 76)

SKf Gayatri, Savitri The Gayatri is a verse or metrical hymn of the Rig-Veda (iii, 62, 10) which has been held very sacred from time immemorial, for it contains the essence of religion, of divine living. The word Gayatri is derived from the verb-root gai -- to sing or to praise in song. This Gayatri, which is a verse invoking the Divine Sun at the depths of our being, has also been called the Savitri, because Savitri is the name given to the Divine Solar Entity, or that divine influence and inspiring and vivifying power behind Surya, the visible sun. Savitri is derived from the verb-root su -- to vivify, to urge.

The Sanskrit words and literal translation of this verse are:

1 2 3 -- 6 1
Tat savitur varenyam -- Let us meditate on that most
4 5 6 -- 3 4 5 2
bhargo devasya dhimahi -- excellent light of the divine Sun,
8 7 9 10 -- 7 10 9 8
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. -- that it may illumine our minds.
A translation by G. de Purucker in explanatory paraphrase giving the essential esoteric meaning of the above is the following:
"O thou golden sun of most excellent splendor,
Illumine our hearts and fill our minds, so that we,
Recognising our oneness with the Divinity, which is the heart of the Universe,
May see the Pathway before our feet, and tread it to those distant goals of perfection,
Stimulated by thine own radiant light."

SP Gayatri or Savitri -- a verse (Rgveda III.62.10) recited daily by orthodox Brahmanas at morning and evening:

tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat

-- approximately translated: "Let us meditate on that most excellent light of the divine Sun, that it may illumine our minds."

SD INDEX Gayatri (Skt), fire-sticks & syllables of I 523

SD INDEX [Gay, John, A Thought on Eternity] q I 26

SD INDEX Geanggrifter, dolmens in Sweden II 752

SD INDEX Gebelin, de. See Court de Gebelin

TG Geber (Heb.) or Gibborim. "Mighty men"; the same as the Kabirim. In heaven, they are regarded as powerful angels, on earth as the giants mentioned in chapter vi. of Genesis.

SD INDEX Gebers, Geborim. See Gibborim

TG Gebirol, Salomon Ben Jehudah. Called in literature Avicebron. An Israelite by birth, a philosopher, poet and Kabbalist, a voluminous writer and a mystic. He was born in the eleventh century at Malaga (1021), educated at Saragrossa, and died at Valencia in 1070, murdered by a Mahommedan. His fellow-religionists called him Salomon the Sephardi, or the Spaniard, and the Arabs, Abu Ayyub Suleiman ben ya'hya Ibn Dgebirol, whilst the scholastics named him Avicebron. (See Myer's Qabbalah.) Ibn Gebirol was certainly one of the greatest philosophers and scholars of his age. He wrote much in Arabic and most of his MSS. have been preserved. His greatest work appears to be the Megor Hayyim, i.e., the Fountain of Life, "one of the earliest exposures of the secrets of the Speculative Kabbalah", as his biographer informs us. (See "Fons Vitae".)

KT Gebirol. Salomon Ben Jehudah, called in literature Avicebron. An Israelite by birth, a philosopher, poet and kabalist; a voluminous writer and a mystic. He was born in the eleventh century at Malaga (1021), educated at Saragossa, and died at Valencia in 1070, murdered by a Mahomedan. His fellow-religionists called him Salomon, the Sephardi, or the Spaniard, and the Arabs, Abu Ayyub Suleiman-ben ya'hya Ibn Dgebirol, whilst the Scholastics named him Avicebron (see Myers' Quabbalah). Ibn Gebirol was certainly one of the greatest philosophers and scholars of his age. He wrote much in Arabic, and most of his MSS have been preserved. His greatest work appears to be The Megoy Hayyim, i. e., The Fountain of Life, "one of the earliest exposures of the secrets of the Speculative Kabbalah," as his biographer informs us.

SD INDEX Ge'boor-ah [Geburah] (Heb)

globe A, Earth chain or I 200
Qai-yin (Cain) or II 315
sign of cross & II 562

TG Geburah (Heb.). A Kabbalistic term ; the fifth Sephira, a female and passive potency, meaning severity and power; from it is named the Pillar of Severity.

WGa Geburah (Heb.), power. The fifth of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabalah. A female potency.

TG Gedulah (Heb.). Another name for the Sephira Chesed.

WGa Gedulah (Heb.), same as Chesed.

TG Gehenna, in Hebrew Hinnom. No hell at all, but a valley near Jerusalem, where Israelites immolated their children to Moloch. In that valley a place named Tophet was situated, where a fire was perpetually preserved for sanitary purposes. The prophet Jeremiah informs us that his countrymen, the Jews, used to sacrifice their children on that spot.

SD INDEX Gehenna [Ge hinnom] (Heb), Jews immolated children at I 463n

TG Gehs (Zend.). Parsi prayers.

FY Gehs, Parsi prayers.

SD INDEX Geiger, Dr Wilhelm

----- Civilization of Eastern Iranians . . .
on Amshaspends II 358
on seven- & three-fold Earth II 757-8

SD INDEX Geikie, James

----- Prehistoric Europe . . .
period betw Paleolithic & Neolithic man II 715n
reindeer sketch fr II 720

MO Geirrod [[Norse]] (gay-reud) [geir spear + rod red] An early humanity

SD INDEX Geist (Ger) spirit, word gas fr I 465

SD INDEX Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, on word Maia I 396n

TG Gelukpa (Tib.). "Yellow Caps" literally; the highest and most orthodox Buddhist sect in Tibet, the antithesis of the Dugpa ("Red Caps"), the old "devil worshippers".

FY Gelugpas, "Yellow Caps," the true Magi and their school, so called in Tibet.

WGa Gelukpa, the same as Gyalugpa. Literally, the "yellow caps", from their wearing such color. They are a sect in Tibet, the opposite of Dugpas who wear red caps. Gelukpas are white magicians and Dugpas black.

SD INDEX Gelukpas (Tib) Buddhist "Yellow Hats"

founded by Tsong Kha-pa I 108n
swastika & II 586

TG Gemara (Heb.). The latter portion of the Jewish Talmud, begun by Rabbi Ashi and completed by Rabbis Mar and Meremar, about 300 A.D. [W.W.W.]

Lit., to finish. It is a commentary on the Mishna.

SD INDEX Gemara Sanhedrin II 473. SeeTalmud

TG Gematria (Heb.). A division of the practical Kabbalah. It shows the numerical value of Hebrew words by summing up the values of the letters composing them; and further, it shows by this means, analogies between words and phrases.

One of the methods (arithmetical) for extracting the hidden meaning from letters, words and sentences.


Castor & Pollux I 366
Simeon, Levi & I 651

SD INDEX Gemmation

described II 151, 177
healing, cicatrization & II 166n

TG Gems, Three precious. In Southern Buddhism these are the sacred books, the Buddhas and the priesthood. In Northern Buddhism and its secret schools, the Buddha, his sacred teachings, and the Narjols (Buddhas of Compassion).

SD INDEX Gems (Gnostic). See Gnostic Gems

SD INDEX Genealogies

Brahmanical, Biblical II 42
embrace 3-1/2 rounds II 320-2
evolution of animals (Puranas) II 253-4
in Genesis II 426
fr Heavenly Man I 612-13
of humans (Haeckel) II 87n
keys necessary to understand II 248
mythical, of "Budha" II 498
of rishis I 436
of Seth & Cain II 391
symbolic nature of II 391n

SD INDEX Genera, intermediate, fluctuating II 256

SD INDEX Generation

brazen serpent related to I 364
conception, & astronomy I 312
divine function I 193
Egyptian symbols for I 365
fall into II 104, 129, 204, 230, 231n, 232, 388, 422, 515, 766
goat symbol of fall into II 510
immaculate incarnation I 398-9
Io moon goddess of II 416
Jehovah lunar or, god II 40-1, 234, 246n, 464, 466
Jewish deity symbol of II 470
lotus symbolized II 179
matter female element of cosmic II 130
Moon's influence on sexual I 228n; II 105
Pan presides over II 510
sexual union or, & Earth's symbol II 30
spontaneous II 150-2, 286, 719
Sun, Moon & I 229
tau cross symbol & fall into I 657; II 30, 36, 600n

SD INDEX Generatione Hominis, De. See Paracelsus

SD INDEX Generations of Adam (or Gen) II 125, 134

SD INDEX Generator. See also Generation

Ammon-Ra the I 367
Prometheus, of humanity II 519
sea goddess or Virgin as I 458n

TG Genesis. The whole of the Book of Genesis down to the death of Joseph, is found to be a hardly altered version of the Cosmogony, of the Chaldeans, as is now repeatedly proven from the Assyrian tiles. The first three chapters are transcribed from the allegorical narratives of the beginnings common to all nations. Chapters four and five are a new allegorical adaptation of the same narration in the secret Book of Numbers: chapter six is an astronomical narrative of the Solar year and the seven cosmocratores from the Egyptian original of the Pymander and the symbolical visions of a series of Enoichioi (Seers) -- from whom came also the Book of Enoch. The beginning of Exodus, and the story of Moses is that of the Babylonian Sargon, who having flourished (as even that unwilling authority Dr. Sayce tells us) 3750 B.C. preceded the Jewish lawgiver by almost 2300 years. (See Secret Doctrine, vol. II., pp. 691 et seq.) Nevertheless, Genesis is an undeniably esoteric work. It has not borrowed, nor has it disfigured the universal symbols and teachings on the lines of which it was written, but simply adapted the eternal truths to its own national spirit and clothed them in cunning allegories comprehensible only to its Kabbalists and Initiates. The Gnostics have done the same, each sect in its own way, as thousands of years before, India, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece, had also stressed the same incommunicable truths each in its own national garb. The key and solution to all such narratives can be found only in the esoteric teachings.

SD INDEX Genesis

defined (Wilder) II 24 &n
universal, fr Commentary II 160

SD INDEX Genesis (first Book of Bible) II 229, 612

Abraham & El Elion in II 380
Adam (man) before animals II 1n
Adam divides into male, female II 126, 128
Adam Kadmon in likeness of God II 46n, 467
Adam knew Eve in II 279
Adam to rule over Eve II 135
Akkad capital of Nimrod I 319n
Akkadian I 357
angels sons of God II 61
astronomical like other allegories II 143
author of II 453
begins anthropology at wrong end I 246
Bela, Son of Beor II 706
Berosus aware of source of II 143
Cain slays brother II 44n
Cain son of Lord, not Adam II 127
Cain to rule over Abel II 135
came fr Egypt II 1-2n
caricature of older original II 450
Chaldean, two parts II 54
in Chaldeo-Assyrian beliefs II 477
chapter 1 far older than second chapter I 254
chapters 1-5 mixed by kabbalists II 127, 128
chapter 3 at beginning of fourth race II 410
chapter 25:24-34 on birth of fifth race II 705
coats of skin I 607
creation begins at second & third stage II 488, 537
creation of Heaven & Earth I 346
creation out of nothing II 87
creation story & Puranas II 624, 625n
creations, two or more in II 5, 53-4, 252n, 625n
darkness on face of deep I 70; II 59
daughters of men I 412, 523n; II 265n, 284, 501, 775
dead letter, open to criticism II 252
Enoch the "Son of Man" II 529n
Enoch "walked with God" II 532
Enos first sexed man in II 715n
Esau red & hairy II 705
esoteric book II 203, 252n
esoteric teachings in I 335-7; II 202
Eve, creation of II 193
Fall & Egyptian initiation II 215-16n
fallen angels in II 228-9
fall into generation II 388
fiat lux I 215-16n
firmament in midst of waters I 254
first chapter, meaning of I 246n, 336-7
first four chapters philosophic fragment I 10-11
first 3-1/2 rounds in II 181
fruit whose seed is in itself I 381
Generations of Adam (Toledoth) & fifth chapter II 125, 134
giants (gibborim) II 70, 154, 236, 273-6
Gladstone kills II 252n
God & Lord God in II 1-2n, 60n, 81, 387-8
God commands another God in I 336
"God created man in his image" II 134
God creates firmament I 254; II 75
God made woman, hence sin II 387
God's covenant w Abraham II 508
immaculate conception in I 59-60
Jacob & his sons I 651; II 211-12
Jacob's ladder II 281n
Jehovah androgynous in first chapters of I 6n
Jehovah became tempting serpent I 422
Jehovah curses, blesses man II 410
Jehovah sexed fr chapter 5 on II 125 &n
Jews have accepted, literally II 252n
Joseph dreams of zodiac I 649
Kabbala explains secret meaning of II 37
Kadeshim in II 460
kings of Edom in II 705
light divided fr darkness I 254
light in, androgyne ray I 356n
long lapse in chapter 6 betw verses 4-5 II 375
Lot & daughters I 431
lotus idea in I 380
male, female, created I 390 &n
"man . . . as one of us" I 493n; II 44, 94, 95n, 202, 243
mandrake of, Rachel, Leah II 27n
man made of clay (dust) II 291
man, plants created before animals II 112n
men called Jehovah II 127
mistranslated in chapter 4:26 II 469n
nephilim of II 775
Noah in II 145, 392
Noah took beasts by sevens II 597-8
no date given for man's birth in II 690
numerical reading of I 264
omits Chaldean material II 104
period betw verses 1 & 2 of first ch II 704
picks up physical man of third race II 661
plants created before fourth round I 254
pre-Adamite races in II 394
real history begins w sixth chapter II 284
Rebekah's womb, two nations in II 705
reminiscence of Babylonian captivity II 202
Satan in II 244
separation of sexes I 346
serpent of II 208, 215-16, 387
Seth & Enos in II 361
Seth of, (Bunsen) II 82n
seven recurs in II 4
several Adams or races in II 46n, 457, 502-4
sons of God fallen angels I 412
sons of God not punished in II 491
Spirit of God I 346
theogony hardly outlined in II 537
third & fourth races in II 410
three races in II 124
two gods in I 336-7
wisdom in first 6 chapters I 336
written on the old lines II 77
"Ye shall be as gods" II 279
younger than Chaldean II 104

SD INDEX Genesis (Mexican), & 4 good men II 213

SD INDEX Genesis of Enoch II 267-8n. See also Enoch

SD INDEX "Genesis of Man." See Blake, C. C.

SD INDEX Genesis of Species, On the. See Mivart

SD INDEX "Genesis of the Elements." See Crookes

SD INDEX Geneto (Gk), "was generated" I 425n

SD INDEX Genghis Khan, sacked Djooljool II 338

TG Genii (Lat.). A name for Aeons, or angels, with the Gnostics. The names of their hierarchies and classes are simply legion.

SD INDEX Genii, Genius. See also Angels, Spirits

abode of, four cardinal points I 347n
agriculture & II 374
astral man often evil I 639
in Babylonian myth II 248n
Bahak-Zivo "Father" of the I 194
born to act in space & time I 418
each star has a I 294
fire, or Titan-Kabiri II 363
four dragons (Chinese) I 408
Gnostic angels I 195-6
gods &, within Plenum I 569
guardian spirits I 288n, 453n
Hermetic daimones or gods I 288n
Jehovah, of lunar year II 539
Kwan Yin, of water I 471
lord of, or aeons I 195
Mercury as II 28
modes of motion (science) & I 478
moon lunar II 474
Origen on I 577
planetary, & Persian prophets I 649, 652
Principes, sons of light I 196
rebelled against Kronos I 418
ruled men in Saturn's Age II 373
serpent a good I 472
of seven planets, globes I 198; II 22, 538
several kinds of Ophite I 403
soul, angel, atom or I 569
Tzyphon, of doubt II 216n
various names for I 295
watched over & guided J. Bohme I 494
work of I 294-5

SD INDEX Genii of Fire. See Decharme,Mythologie . . .

SD INDEXa Genitum, non factum I 399 (Lat) "Born, not made."

SD INDEX Genius Loci (Lat) local god fifth race afterthought I 462

SD INDEX Gentil. See Le Gentil

SD INDEX Gentiles

did not copy Jews (Faber) II 472n
disciples not to go to II 231n
every god of, related to Jehovah II 509-10
Hebrews borrowed fr II 560
revered the adytum II 459
seers, Enochs & II 532-3
Trinity & II 540

SD INDEX "Gently to hear . . ." (Shakespeare) I xvii

SD INDEX Genus, Genera, interbreeding of II 184-5, 191-2, 201, 287

SD INDEX Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E. II 646

astonishment of II 206n
crown of the innovator II 651

SD INDEX Geognosy (Geology), known by ancients II 534-5

SD INDEX Geographical Dist. of Animals. See Wallace

SD INDEX Geographie ancienne. See Bourguignon

SD INDEX Geography

part of ancient Mysteries II 9
of Puranas II 320-2

SD INDEX Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man.See Lyell, Sir Charles

SD INDEX Geological Magazine, Gardner's critique of Wallace in II 782-3

SD INDEX Geological Periods, Ages II 709-30

ancients calculated II 66-7
contradictions re II 9, 10n
diagram of II 710
early men & past I 609
length of, unknown II 66-7, 71-2, 155, 693, 698, 710
man in remote II 56n, 157
Pengelly on inaccuracy of II 66, 72, 696
pre-diluvian II 160
science changes lengths of II 9-11, 71, 156-7

SD INDEX Geological Upheavals. See also Axis

Atlantean remnants & II 743-4
fourth round II 149-50
last universal, 120 million yrs ago II 312
Moon, Sun, planets causes of II 500n, 699
more than physically caused I 640
betw rounds, races II 46-7, 144-7
sidereal & II 314

SD INDEX Geologists

astronomers should become, (Faye) I 496
French, place man in Miocene II 686
length of periods thorn in side of II 698
monoliths of natural origin II 343

SD INDEX Geology, Geological. See also Geological Periods

Africa before Europe II 368
ancient Aryans & II 252-3
antediluvian II 334
anthropology & II 71-2
antiquity of man in theology I 323-5
archaic science & II 314
Aryans learned, fr Atlanteans II 426
changes & root-races II 47
chronological speculations risky II 663n
dates differ w Secret Doctrine II 794
deluge of fourth race II 144
Earth's age II 698
esoteric, & science I 325
explains Moon came fr Earth II 64
figures of II 10-11, 66-7, 71-2, 156-7
monoliths brought fr overseas II 343
perceived second flood II 146
proof of submerged continents II 778
records imperfect II 260, 674, 698
subsidences, elevations II 787n
supports esoteric teachings II 196
thickness of various deposits II 709
will never be exact science II 656, 663

SD INDEX Geology. See Winchell, A.,World Life . . .

SD INDEX Geometry, Geometrical I 66. See also Circles, Skinner, Triangles

cosmogony described in, glyphs I 1-6, 272
crystal shapes & II 594
evolutionary stages & I 321
fifth divine science, fifth key II 471
figures record Mysteries I 612
Great Pyramid & I 317n
Jevons uses, figures I 430n
numbers &, relations I 639
Osiris-Isis taught, (Basnage) II 366
Parker ratio I 313, 315-16
symbolism as old as world I 320
symbols of man's evolution II 560
theogony & I 615-17

SD INDEX Geometry. See Boethius

TG Geonic Period. The era of the Geonim may be found mentioned in works treating of the Kabbalah; the ninth century A.D. is implied.

SD INDEX George, St

Anubis compared w II 385-6
dragon &, equivalents of II 379
earthly copy of St Michael I 458
Jennings on II 238n
Karttikeya prototype of II 382n
Michael &, kill Satan II 385
Tahmurath the, of Iran II 397

SD INDEX Georgics. See Virgil

MO Gerd [[Norse]] (yayrd) A giantess: spouse of Frey

MO Gere [[Norse]] (yay-reh) [greed] One of Odin's wolfhounds

SD INDEX Gerland, Georg Karl Cornelius, Australians last of higher race II 779

SD INDEX Germ(s). See also Cells, Germ Cell

ark contained, of life II 313, 462, 715n
cells I 219, 224, 249n; II 117, 659
creative spark II 247
in darkness I 63
differentiation of I 21-2, 455
"Elementary" I 139
ether storehouse of I 462
ever-concealed, sun or point I 379
evolution of primordial I 455
exists in every atom I 57
fecund, contains universe I 64-5
first, on meteor (Thomson) II 719, 730
Fohat set world-, in motion I 672
formation of II 718-19, 730-33
invisible, fiery I 12
life-, fr fire atoms I 259; II 139
living, & comets I 366n
manifested universe & I 73n
Pasteur on I 249n
point in mundane egg I 57
primitive II 731-2
in the root I 11
sarcophagus &, of life II 462
seed or world- I 200-1
of solar systems & worlds II 148
spiritual potency I 219
spiritual, septenary II 731-2
three trinities issued fr I 278
of the universe I 21-2, 28-9
upadhi of seven principles I 291
whence came the 1st, of life? II 719
world, collide I 201

SD INDEX Germain, Count St. See Saint-Germain

SD INDEX Germany

dolmens (Hunengraben) in II 752
rocking stones in II 342n

SD INDEX Germ Cell(s). See also Cell, Heredity

fivefold jiva must fructify I 224
organic processes & I 249n; II 659
ovum or, stages of II 117
spiritual plasm of, the key I 219, 224

SD INDEX Geryon, giant son of Hercules II 278

SD INDEX Gesenius

----- A Hebrew & English Lexicon . . .
on Iao II 465 &n
on nephilim II 775

SD INDEX Gestation II 595

astronomical correspondence w I 388-90
in egg-like vehicle during third race II 166
Moon, conception & I 180, 389; II 105, 583, 595
seven months & seven rounds II 257
stages of II 187-8, 258-9
in utero II 117

SD INDEX Ghana (Skt) "bulk," Vishnu has no size, extension I 420

TG Gharma (Sk.). A title of Karttikeya, the Indian god of war and the Kumara born of Siva's drop of sweat that fell into the Ganges.

SD INDEX Gharma-ja (Skt) "Siva's sweat," Karttikeya born of II 124-5n

SD INDEX Ghauts [Ghats], Western Sringa-giri of Mysore I 272

WG Ghee, a common word for ghi or ghrita -- clarified butter used both for culinary and religious purposes.

TG Ghocha (Sk.). Lit., "the miraculous Voice". The name of a great Arhat, the author of Abhidharmamrita Shastra, who restored sight to a blind man by anointing his eyes with the tears of the audience moved by his (Ghocha's) supernatural eloquence.

SD INDEX Gholaites, believe in "Light of Elohim" II 514n

WG Ghora, frightful, disagreeable; an epithet of Siva.

SD INDEX Ghost(s)

lares now signify II 361
in spaces of Space I 620

SD INDEX Ghoul(s)

Maimonides on desert II 455n
moon a I 156

WG Ghrana, the nose; smell; smelling.

WG Ghrita, ghee, butter clarified and hardened.

MO Giant, Giantess [[Norse]] Matter vivified by divinity

SD INDEX Giamschid [Jamshid] Persian king, built Persepolis II 398

SD INDEX Gian-ben-Gian (Pers) Wisdom, Son of Wisdom, king of Peris II 394

SD INDEX Giant(s)

allied w asuras II 500-1
angels beget II 293
Antaeus II 278
antediluvian, of Bible II 70, 340, 762
Atlanteans II 70, 236, 275, 276, 279, 286, 493
Atlas assisted, against gods II 493
B'ne-aleim or, (Genesis 6) II 375
bones of, on Mt Hermon II 409
born of Kasyapa-Aditya II 382n
both mentally & physically I 416
Bronze Age, (Hesiod) II 772
Cainites or II 146, 172, 222
Chinese traditions of II 365
Cholula pyramid built by II 276n
colossal powers of II 346
commanded elements (Creuzer) II 285
Cyclopean structures & II 341
Cyclops II 70, 345n
Daksha & II 275-6
Danavas, Daityas, or I 415; II 31, 183, 192, 336, 501
-demon, Vaisvanara (Danava) II 381
devs or, hid jewels & metals II 396
disappeared before Moses II 755
Druids not Cyclopes or II 343, 754
dwarfs &, in Africa II 754
of Eocene, Miocene II 340
evidence of II 154, 277-88, 347, 755
Field of, France, bones at II 277
footprints in Carson [Nevada] II 755
frost, in Eddas II 386
Genesis on II 154, 236, 284
Geryon or Hillus II 278
gibborim of Bible I 415; II 70, 279, 340
good & evil II 70, 222
Gould on II 218-19
Gyges, Briareus, Kottos II 775-6
Ham, Shem, Japhet not II 343n
heroes or II 369
hidden meaning of I 114
Job refers to, (IU) II 496
legends of, not baseless II 410
man a pre-Tertiary II 9
man mated w II 331
man now diminutive II 348
Medusa II 70
modern, cited II 277, 293n
monsters &, biblical II 194-5
nephilim of Bible II 755
Noah was a II 265
Orion, son of Ephialtes II 278
perished w Atlantis II 350, 753
Philostratus on II 278
preceded us pigmies II 194
precosmic titanic forces II 99
Puranic, called devils I 415
Quinames are II 276n
Rahu a II 381
rakshasas of Lanka II 70
Rephaim Biblical I 345; II 279, 496
second, third, fourth round I 188, 190
serpents &, demons (Clement) II 280 &n
Sinhalese &, of Lanka II 407-8
skeletons at Carthage II 278
skeletons, none found in dolmens II 753
sorcery of, no myth II 774
Theophrastus [Theopompus] on Atlantean II 760
Thera, found on II 278-9
three polar, or continents II 776
Titans based on fact of II 154
Titan was Orphic II 70
tombs of II 752
various I 114; II 336, 749, 754-6, 774-5
Virabhadara the terrible II 68
written language of II 346n
yellow-faced II 425
Ymir (Norse) I 367, 427; II 97, 99
Zeus used, against gods II 776


Dryopithecus compared w II 733
low development of II 678, 681-2n

SD INDEX Gibborim (Heb). See also Giants

Atlantean giants II 279
became fifth race Kabirim II 273-4
biblical giants I 415; II 70, 279, 340
mighty men of renown II 273-4
relation of, to I 114
various equivalents of I 114

SD INDEX Gibbs, Josiah W,. [A Manual Hebrew & English Lexicon], Jehovah pronounced Ye-hou-vih II 129

SD INDEX Gibraltar, Straits of, once land II 8, 740, 750, 793

SD INDEX Gigantes, Clement translated serpentes II 279-80

SD INDEX Gigantibus, De. See Philo Judaeus

SD INDEX Gildas, St, Bishop of, & Stonehenge II 342

SD INDEX Gilgamesh. See Izdubar (G. Smith's transl)

TG Gilgoolem (Heb.). The cycle of rebirths with the Hebrew Kabbalists; with the orthodox Kabbalists, the "whirling of the soul" after death, which finds no rest until it reaches Palestine, the "promised land", and its body is buried there.

SD INDEX Gilgoolem [Gilgulim] (Heb), cycle of reimbodiments I 568 &n

SD INDEX Gill, Charles, "Intro to Book of Enoch", plagiarism fr Book of Enoch II 482

SD INDEX Gill-clefts, in human foetus, fishes II 683-5 &nn

TG Gimil (Scand.). "The Cave of Gimil" or Wingolf. A kind of Heaven or Paradise, or perhaps a New Jerusalem, built by the "Strong and Mighty God" who remains nameless in the Edda, above the Field of Ida, and after the new earth rose out of the waters.

MO Gimle [[Norse]] (gim-leh) [heavenly abode] A superior shelf of existence

SD INDEX Gimil, Gimle (Scand) seventh globe II 100

SD INDEX Gin-Hoang. See T'ien-hoang

TG Ginnungagap (Scand.). The "cup of illusion" literally; the abyss of the great deep, or the shoreless, beginningless, and endless, yawning gulf; which in esoteric parlance we call the "World's Matrix", the primordial living space. The cup that contains the universe, hence the "cup of illusion".

MO Ginnungagap [[Norse]] (yinn-ung-a-gahp) [ginn the void + unge offspring + gap chasm] The mystery of Nonbeing

SD INDEX Ginnungagap (Scand). See also Chaos

All-Father dwelt in I 427
germ of universe in I 367

SD INDEX Ginsburg, Christian D., The Kabbalah . . ., on origin of Kabbala II 284

TG Giol (Scand.). The Styx, the river Giol which had to be crossed before the nether-world was reached, or the cold Kingdom of Hel. It was spanned by a gold-covered bridge, which led to the gigantic iron fence that encircles the palace of the Goddess of the Under-World or Hel.

SD INDEX Giraldus Cambrensis, Itinerarium . . ., moving Stone of Mona II 345

SD INDEX Gizeh. See Great Pyramid of

SD INDEX Glacial Epochs, Periods I 651

Atlanteans emigrated prior to II 740 &n
axis disturbance causes II 274
black, brown races in pre- II 695
date of last II 778-9n
deluges &, numerous II 141
European man witnessed last II 750n
first, date of II 144, 147, 686, 695
Hunt, Belt, Cross, Stockwell on II 141, 778-9 &n
man existed during II 254, 677-8, 751
Paleolithic man & II 740n
"Sea of Knowledge" & last II 502-3
Tertiary, called age of pygmies II 715n

SD INDEX Glacial Waters, divided Asia fr root-continent II 401

MO Gladsheim [[Norse]] (glahds-haym) [gladhome] Location of Valhalla

SD INDEX Gladstone, Wm. E. II 254, 383, 450

disputes w Ingersoll II 767
tries to reconcile Genesis & science II 252n
---- "Dawn of Creation . . ." II 252n
---- "The Greater Gods . . ."
Apollo appeared four & six times II 774
misjudges Homer II 766-7
on the qualities of Apollo II 770
----- "Proem to Genesis . . ." II 252n

SD INDEX Gland. See Pineal Gland


found in extinct Asian city I xxxiii
stained & malleable, of ancients II 430

SD INDEX Glasses, Bacon discovered I 581-2n

OG Globe -- Every one of the physical globes that we see scattered over the fields of space is accompanied by six -- really eleven -- invisible and superior globes, forming what in theosophy is called a chain. This is the case with every sun or star, with every planet, and with every moon of every planet. It is likewise the case with the nebulae and the comets: all are septiform entities in manifestation; all have a sevenfold -- indeed twelvefold -- constitution, even as man has, who is a copy in the little of what the universe is in the great. The seven manifested globes for purposes of convenience are enumerated as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G; but reference is sometimes made more mystically to the globes from "A to Z," here hinting at but not specifying all the twelve globes of the chain.

The life-waves circle around these globes in seven great cycles which are called rounds. Each life-wave first enters globe A, runs through its life cycle there, and then passes on to globe B. Finishing its cycle on globe B, it passes on to globe C, and then to globe D, the lowest of the manifested seven. In our own planetary chain, globe D is our earth. Three globes precede it on the downward arc, and three globes follow it on the ascending arc of evolution -- referring here to the manifested seven.

The passing through or traversing of any one of these seven globes by the life-wave is a globe round; and during any one globe round on a globe, seven root-races are born, attain their efflorescence, and then pass away. (See also Round)

SD INDEX Globe(s). See also Earth, Earth Chain, Planetary Chain

atmosphere of, maruts, akasa II 615
in coadunition, etc I 166
consciousness on II 701, 702n
death of, seventh round I 159, 172-3
dying & transfer of energy I 155-6, 159
each, has its own builders I 233
early stages of I 74; II 112n
elements & rounds I 252n
elohim formed I 239
entities, "animals" I 154
every sidereal body has seven I 158-9
every sidereal, called "Dragon's head" II 505
inhabited, innumerable I 164
karshvars or II 607 &n, 758-9
Kings of Edom & seven II 705
life on, in seven rounds I 159
lowest, only visible I 152-3, 163 &n
man-bearing, of planets II 699
Mars-Mercury confusion & I 163-7
men in next reimbodiment of I 309
mouth & lungs of I 144
phoenix symbol & forty-nine cycles on II 617
principles of man & I 153-4
Puranas' lokas & dvipas II 322
rebirth of I 173; II 703
rebuilt fr old material I 199
rounds &, stages of evolution II 256
seven, & sons of Agnidhra II 320
sevenfold nights & days of II 756-60
seven, in Hindu literature I 112, 250n
seven material transformations I 205-6n
seven, on four lower planes I 152-60
seven worlds of maya or I 238
six, above Earth I 152, 163-4; II 384-5n, 607n, 608
start as a nebula I 22
stellar spirits genii of I 198
three higher, (Norse) II 100
"wheels" or I 116-17, 199
winged I 126, 365; II 552
world bibles refer to II 703

SD INDEX Globe A (Earth chain)

Geburah (Kabbala) or I 200
man prototype on, first round I 175n
rebirth of monads on I 173
seventh round of, & pralaya I 172
Vaivasvata &, first round II 146-7
Vorubarshti (Pers) or II 759


Arzahi (Pers) II 759
Hodh (Kabbala) I 200


not Mars I 163-7
Tradadhafshu (Pers) II 759
Yesodh (Kabbala) I 200

SD INDEX Globe D. See also Earth

age of, (science) II 694-9
ape-like forms fr third round I 180-1
astral humanity on II 112n
axis disturbances & II 330
born under Moon & Saturn II 29
casts off skins each round II 47
cataclysms of II 138 &n, 149, 329-31
convulsed four times since first race II 138, 776
descending arc ends on I 166; II 180
face of, changed repeatedly II 330
five continents of II 6-8
fourth in chain I 182, 192, 205; II 22, 180
Hades or hell is II 98, 234
has altered II 535
hot breath of Sun & I 205
incrusted long before man II 248
in its kama-rupic state I 260
Jambu-dvipa II 320, 326
likened to woman's body II 400-1 &nn
lowest globe I 166; II 180
Malkuth (Chaldean Kabbala) I 200
man evolves pari passu w II 248, 250, 329
man on, first round, first race I 188
most gross mid-fourth round II 250
no sister-globe on this plane I 182
plants in, before creation II 112n
Qaniratha (Persian) II 759
sedimentation on II 710, 715n
seven divisions, races of II 2, 35n, 77, 249
seven races evolving on II 1-4, 29, 77, 249
seven renewals of II 397n, 617-18
several "creations" on II 53
six invisible companions of II 320
spirit & guardian of II 22
Vaivasvata seed of life on II 146-7


Netsah (Kabbala) or I 200
not Mercury I 163-70
Vidadhafshu (Persian) II 759


Savahi (Pers) II 759
Tiphereth (Kabbala) I 200

SD INDEX Globe G, Chesed [Hesedh] (Kabbala) I 200

SD INDEX Globe Z I 163, 168

Voru-Zarshti (Pers) II 759

SD INDEX Globigerina, & Cretaceous species II 257

SD INDEX Glyph(s) I 349-58; II 356-65. See also Symbols

ancient use of I 66
degeneration of Sun- II 584
dog-headed ape I 388
esoteric cosmogony in I 272
identical in Egypt, America I 323
lotus, egg, etc I 362-5
misinterpreted I 406
tree & serpent I 406